When you are more interested in wearing makeup you should give them little care to maintain them, if you don’t care about it then it will be get spoiled.
One of that to care is makeup powder, they can easily get broken. At this stage, most people used to throw it off because they think it is useless.
But the fact is there are some of the ways to fix the broken powders, you can also fix broken powder with nail polish remover easily. But the time taken for the fixing may be little vary based on how the powder has broken.
Steps to fix broken makeup powder
The first thing that you have to do is, you have to crush the powder breaks completely that should be kept in the compact plastic bag. If you want to fix them you have to crush them even the unbroken powder, if you don’t them start from scratch you are not able to fix them up.
During the next step, you have to add the rubbing alcohol, you can also fix broken compact powder with nail polish remover. The alcohol add will get evaporate as soon but leave a very hard powder behind.
If your powder is very tiny then the little amount is enough to fix them up. You should add the alcohol until the whole powder gets damp at the same time you shouldn’t add too much.
To smooth the powder paste, you can take the plastic wrap and keep them dry. This plastic wrap can prevent the powder from getting dirty. The final step is to allow them for complete dry you can also leave them open overnight to dry them quickly.
Final words
These simple steps can help you in fixing your broken makeup powder at the same time the whole process is very simple and easy to perform.