Foundation for flawless beauty with poreless finish

Ever wondered how flawless beauty finds the right shade of foundation for their skin. Would you like to glow the same? The foundation varies based on skin tone.

The complicated face sees imperfections in their face. The best way to smooth out the issue is to choose the right foundation shade based on skin tone.

Prefer to choose Yellowish undertone

The beauty expert suggests choosing a slight yellowish undertone for perfect skin. The yellow undertone bound to have complexion, the steer peach or whitish shade foundation help to make look chalky.

A yellow-based foundation blends beautifully to the skin and also gives freshness, moisture, and healthy skin tone lasting for long hours.

Always pick the right shade of foundation that is perfect for the skin texture, never choose a fairer skin tone cream. Choosing a light shade foundation cream may look unnatural.

choose foundation

Choose the foundation based on Skin tone

To check the foundation cream for your skin type start to apply dark foundation cream from cheek to jaw and blend it gently into the skin.

Now do the same with light shade foundation cream and find the difference. The shade that completely blends will be the ideal choice of foundation cream for your skin.

To confirm the shade, double-check the cream by applying it from forehead to the chin and blend gently. If it works in both the area, then the selected foundation cream is the right choice for your skin tone.

For a flawless skin preferred to choose two identical foundation creams for two different seasons. It is preferred to choose the right shade of the foundation for winter when the skin is pale and slightly darker during the summer season.

skin tone

Foundation for Oily Complexions

Foundations come in many formulas ranging from liquid to cream powder. Most of the people are unsure about which formula must be adopted. The trick is to find the foundation is looking for oil-free mattifying on the package.

The oil-free foundation gives light to medium coverage while the cream foundation gives full coverage. It is advisable to choose a formula that contains silica beads, silica soaks up oil on T-zone and lecithin. (Lecithin hydrates dry area on the cheeks)

Start applying the foundation over face then apply concealer using a concealer brush with the same shade of foundation in a star shape and apply little powder for complete camouflaged.

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